Special Sale of Fresh Tomato Paste

Fresh Tomato Paste is one of the most widely used foods that is used in the preparation of various foods and makes them more delicious. In the past, people used to make their paste but today many Tomato Paste Centers are engaged in this which is why the store Reputable companies have also sold various types of industrial tomato paste in this field which is one of the reputable stores of our commercial company.

Special Sale of Fresh Tomato Paste

a Brief Information on Tomato Paste

a Brief Information on Tomato Paste With the arrival of the tomato harvest season, which is in different parts of the country at different times, housewives start cooking homemade paste which both satisfies their household needs and sells it. But the cooking method continues The first step in cooking Tomato Paste Benefits is to choose a good tomato. To do this, the tomatoes must be juicy, fleshy and colorful.

First, wash the tomatoes well and put them on the flame to cook and pour water well. In the meantime, if the tomatoes are damaged or rotten, remove them from the ingredients so that they do not spoil the resulting paste, then for both, 3 Add a tablespoon of salt to a kilo of tomatoes to help prevent paste spoilage. After half an hour of cooking, it reaches the stage where the skin of the tomato separates, then wait for the ingredients to cool so that you can pass them through a strainer to separate the meat ingredients and tomato seeds from the skin, at the end.

Also pour some water on the strainer to completely separate the ingredients for the paste from the skin. Mix the obtained ingredients with water and put it on a high flame until it boils, after boiling, reduce the flame to cook the paste slowly, but stir the ingredients every half an hour so that it does not settle. When the ingredients are ready, some of it jumps out during cooking and makes a loud noise but if you want your dough to be thicker, give it more time to cook, in total, it takes a few hours to cook the pasta. Finally, add some oil so that your standard tomato paste does not mold when it cools you can keep it in your desired container for a long time.

Where to Buy Fresh Tomato Paste?

Where to Buy Fresh Tomato Paste? Good tomato paste is an integral part of the household food basket which is increasing in price today. Housewives can meet the needs of their family paste in the summer when tomatoes are found in abundance and at a reasonable price and even Sell it and help your household economy and apart from all these put natural materials in your household basket and avoid consuming industrial pastes that contain chemical additives.

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